Jay Fienberg

the “home” page

This is a web page associated with a person named Jay Fienberg. It's not much of a web page by some standards, but, by golly, more stuff is gonna show up here someday.

And, you could be enjoying one of Jay's other sites right now:

= Music by Jay Fienberg

Jay Fienberg is a composer and musician, mostly by night.

+ UX / Information Architecture by Jay Fienberg

Jay Fienberg is an UX / interaction designer / information architect, mostly by day.

÷ Record Label by Jay Fienberg

Jay Fienberg is a producer and svengali, mostly by habit.

× Music Publishing by Jay Fienberg

Jay Fienberg is a music publisher, mostly by necessity.

Fine & Full

Fine & Full is a site for friends and family of Jay Fienberg and Anastasia Fuller.

contact info:

Jay Fienberg may be contacted via email (see above sites for relevant email addresses).

misspelling disclaimer:

Jay Fienberg's last name, "Fienberg", is often misspelled as Feinberg. The Jay Fienberg of this page is not the same as anyone else named Jay Feinberg. However, due to misspelling, this Jay Fienberg is sometimes referred to as Jay Feinberg.

When referring to the Jay Fienberg of this page, please note that use of the misspelled Feinberg may cause
incidents of disorientation, periods of drowsiness, and/or increased thirst, and should be used with caution.